Differences Between Pin vs Pinless Moisture Meters
Unlock the secrets of wood moisture measurement with our in-depth exploration of the differences between pin and pinless moisture meters. Whether you’re a seasoned woodworker or a DIY enthusiast, understanding the nuances of these two essential tools can make a world of difference in your projects.
When looking for accurate wood moisture meters, you’ll immediately run into two different styles: pin vs pinless moisture meters. Which is the better addition to your tool belt? There are some basic differences that you should understand before you buy.
- How Does a Moisture Meter Work
- Electromagnetic Sensor Pad (Pinless) vs. Pins
- Poking Holes vs. No Holes
- Fixed-Depth Readings vs. Variable-Depth Readings
- Moisture Meter Calibration
- Moisture Meter Settings
- Speed
- FAQs
How Does a Moisture Meter Work
Pinless moisture meters work via an electromagnetic sensor pad that contacts the wood surface but does not physically break or damage it to take a reading. They can measure moisture content from the surface down to .25″ or, for deep measurements, from .75″ to 1.5″.
Pin-type moisture meters have two metal probes that must physically penetrate the wood’s surface in order to take a moisture reading. When the meter is turned on, an electrical current flows from the pin to the pin, and the resist is measured.
Electromagnetic Sensor Pad vs. Pins
The difference between a pin and a pinless moisture meter rests in the underlying technology.
Pin meters measure the resistance to an electrical current flowing between the two pin tips. The chemical composition of wood, which varies from species to species, affects pin meter accuracy.
Whatever type of wood moisture meter you’re using — pin or pinless — you’ll need to take multiple readings to get an overview of the wood’s moisture content. However, this is much harder to do when you’re using a pin meter because pin meters only measure the moisture content between the two pins and nowhere else.
In other words, you’ll need to take far more measurements to approximate what a pinless meter can easily do in one quick scan. Remember, each reading with a pin meter requires poking two new holes in the wood.
In contrast, pinless moisture meters use a large sensor pad and emit electromagnetic signals to measure the moisture content of the wood. This allows you to quickly and accurately scan large areas and get instant moisture meter readings.
Pinless meters allow you to scan many board feet in just seconds without the time-consuming effort of driving pins into the wood.
Poking Holes vs. No Holes
As we’ve already mentioned, a pin meter needs to penetrate the wood’s surface to measure the moisture content. Therefore, each moisture content reading will make a pair of pinholes in the wood, and as we noted above, you’ll need more than one reading to get an overall view of the wood’s moisture content. For 2x4s or firewood, this probably won’t be a problem.
However, if you’re measuring the moisture content of expensive wood flooring, furniture, cabinets, or other fine woodworking projects, these pinholes will become a series of blemishes on the wood’s surface.
Pinless meters, with their flat, smooth sensor pad, don’t damage the wood.
Fixed-Depth Readings vs. Variable-Depth Readings
Pinless moisture meters generally operate at two standard reading depths: ¼” below the wood surface and 3⁄4” below the surface. These depths provide the necessary moisture content readings for woodworking projects, like wood flooring or cabinets or for building materials.
When using a pinless moisture meter, you’ll need to be careful about how much pressure you apply. If you apply too little pressure, there might be a slight gap under the device that will affect the accuracy of the reading.
In fact, just the position of your hand can affect the accuracy of some less expensive moisture meters.
With pin moisture meters, the moisture content reading is taken at the depth of the pins. That means the reading may be inaccurate if the pins aren’t inserted properly.
As we mentioned above, the pins on pin moisture meters can, at times, be difficult to push into the wood. While this isn’t usually a problem with softer woods, it can become a real issue with hardwood species. This is often how pins end up bent or broken. (Longer pins are more likely to break during use.)
When this happens, you’re out of luck if you don’t have replacement pins on hand. Then, your meter is unusable.
Moisture Meter Calibration

On-Demand Calibrator for Orion Moisture Meters
All moisture meters for wood need to be properly calibrated in order to provide accurate moisture measurements. High-quality pin and pinless meters allow you to verify factory calibration using a calibration reference device. If you find that your meter is out of calibration, you send it back to the manufacturer for recalibration.
Our Orion line of moisture meters goes a huge step further by providing you with an On-Demand Calibrator device that allows you to actually recalibrate your own meter. In other words, you don’t need to send your meter back to us for recalibration.
The accuracy of both pin and pinless moisture meters depends on using them correctly according to the manufacturer’s instructions. It’s also a good idea to ensure a low battery isn’t causing inaccurate readings. Our meters include a low battery indicator.
Moisture Meter Species Settings
In order to correctly use any meter, either pin or pinless, you’ll need a wood species adjustment table or, for programmable meters, the ability to enter the correct species setting.
Pin Settings
Pin wood moisture meters are sensitive to temperature and, because of this, all quality pin meters will come with a temperature correction chart.
Pin meters are also sensitive to a wood’s chemical makeup which differs according to species. Therefore, quality pin meters will always ask you what type of wood you’re measuring.
Pinless Settings
Pinless moisture meters are sensitive to a wood’s specific gravity (i.e., density). Because this varies according to species, you’ll need to set the meter to the proper density setting before you take a measurement.
Speed of Moisture Readings
Pinless wood moisture meters are faster because they can scan many points in a quick swipe. If you used a pin meter, you would need to take several readings to cover the same size area. This is because a pin meter only measures the moisture between the two pins.
Remember, each time you take a reading using a pin meter you leave behind two small pinholes in the wood.
Make sure you know what features to look for in a moisture meter.
To enhance your understanding of moisture measurement, we highly recommend exploring our detailed article on ‘11 Best Moisture Meter Practices with Your Pinless Meter,’ where you’ll find essential tips and strategies for obtaining precise readings.
Are Moisture Meters Affected by Surface Moisture?
Pin meters that use 1 1/4” length or longer pins with insulated shafts aren’t generally affected by surface moisture on the wood. Pin meters using only short pins without insulated shafts are far more prone to problems with surface moisture.
Surface moisture can also be a problem for pinless meters. For example, when the wood has a small amount of condensation on it, a pinless meter might detect a moisture measurement range from 10-20% higher.
Our IntelliSense™ technology greatly reduces this problem. IntelliSense allows our moisture meters to minimize the effect of slight amounts of moisture on the surface of the wood. In other words, our meters read the moisture in the wood, not on the wood as other moisture meters do.
What are Some Mistakes People Make When Using a Wood Moisture Meter?
There are quite a number of mistakes that can be made. Here are a few: measuring wood with water on it, using a meter that’s out of calibration, using the wrong species setting, and measuring mc at only one spot. Read our article about the 10 mistakes you can make with a moisture meter and learn how to use it correctly.
What is Relative Measurement Mode Used For?
Relative measurement mode is used for obtaining relative, rather than absolute, measurements. It’s typically used for non-solid wood applications such as drywall. You might use a moisture meter to get an idea about how wet or dry a piece of drywall is, for example.
With relative measurement mode, the meter doesn’t tell you the actual percentage of moisture content in the wood, but rather provides relative measurements of a non-solid wood building material by measuring a known dry area of the material to establish a baseline, and then further scanning the material to determine if there are areas of the material that measure significantly higher than the dry baseline measurement.
For example, this is useful when you’re trying to find a water leak. Locating wet spots can greatly help in determining where a building may have a leak.

Free Download – Is a Pin or Pinless Moisture Meter Best For You?
What is a Drawback of a Pin Meter?
Broken or bent pins are a major drawback of a pin type meter. This is because the pressure used to push the probes into the wood can cause them to bend or break. (Some woods are harder than others and with dense wood, it can be difficult to insert the pins. Broken and bent pins are more common with harder species of wood.)
Of course, if the pins on your moisture meter break or bend, they’ll need to be replaced. This is not only inconvenient but, if your pins break on a regular basis, it can be expensive as well.
For more information about Wagner Orion pinless wood moisture meters see our handy Orion® Moisture Meter Comparison Matrix.
If you want to learn more about our wood moisture meters you can review our Wood Moisture Meter Studies and Peer Reviews.

Tony Morgan is a senior technician for Wagner Meters, where he serves on a team for product testing, development, and also customer service and training for moisture measurement products. Along with 19 years field experience for a number of electronics companies, Tony holds a B.A. in Management and his AAS in Electronics Technology.
Last updated on December 11th, 2024
Hi, thank you for sll the information above, however, it does not tell me how far into the material in question a pin meter reaches (detects) fir example, a wall, a floor?
Thanks for the post on Pin vs Pinless Moisture Meters! I’m a huge fan of woodworking and I find your blog posts very helpful.
Anyway, thanks for all the informative posts on your blog! Keep up the great work!
I am in the process of looking for a home to purchase. While I will have the home inspected by a professional, I would like to access moisture levels in the home prior to hiring an inspector. Since I will be looking at many homes and a variety of surfaces (wood paneling, sheetrock, cinder block walls, poured concrete walls, etc: is there one moisture meter I can use for all of these applications? Reading your website, I think a pinless system would be a good starting point as I would be concerned about pin holes damaging the sellers property.
Any information is very much appreciated.
Unfortunately, there isn’t one meter to read all the substrates you have listed. The Orion 910, 930, or 950 will work on most all them except concrete. The C-555 concrete meter will identify hotspots in the concrete. The Orion meters will work on floors, walls, etc. Hope this helps.
As a wood turner , i would like to know if i can use you meter on round surface, + – 8 inches diameter, do you have a model to recommend, thank you.
Thanks for your inquiry. Our Orion Pinless Moisture meter works the best when the entire surface plate is covered. In this instance, a pin meter would be ideal.
I like how you can use a pin-type moisture meter to determine how moisture a piece of wood has. I need to rebuild my back patio. I need to see what wood is still dry enough to use so I’ll get a pin-type moisture meter.
This blog post would help people understand the difference between pin and pinless moisture meters before they buy. Keep up the excellent work!
Please tell me about your Moisture Meter why are pinless moisture meter (density/Frequency/accuracy/reading) 28 and
pin moisture. meter (density/Frequency/accuracy/
reading) 58 WHY ?.
Hi Anas,
Could you provide more clarification on the 28 and 58 numbers you’re referring to?
We are one of the largest manufacturer of Wooden Pencils in India. Comparing to other Wood Working Industries, Moisture in Pencil Wood play much more important role in Pencil Production.
The only way is to determine correct Moisture is Good Instrument which can give correct reading.
Our Basic Sizes are as under:
For Pencil Slat Cutting:
Height 80 MM X Width 160 to 300 MM X Length 185 to 2000 MM Block of Wood for Frames Saw Machine. Desired Moisture Content: 15% Maximum.
For Pencil Production Line:
Ready to use Treated and Seasoned Pencil Slat for Grooving having 5.25 mm Thickness X 75 mm width X 185 mm Length. Desired Moisture Content: 7%
Ready to Shape Sandwich (Pencil Lead bonded between 2 Grooved Slats with Adhesive) having 9 mm Thickness X 72 mm width X 180 mm Length. Desired Moisture Content: 7%
What kind of Pinless Moisture Meter you suggest?
It is amazing and wonderful to visit your blog. Thank you for writing the difference between pin and pinless moisture meters. I’m looking to read more blogs from you.
I have been using the MMC220 for some time now but sometimes I need a meter that reads a depth of 1/4″. Does Wagner have a meter that will do the job?
Thank you for being a long time Wagner user. No, Wagner does not manufacture a meter that reads at a depth of 1/4″.
Thanks for helpful info. In other say, what shown on screen of MMC220 is average of moisture content in the whole wood under censor pad (Length & Width) as deep as 3/4″. Is my understanding correct?
Understood on recommendation to measure both sides of wood if the wood thickness is over 3/4″ for MMC220.
Yes, the reading on the MMC220 is the average moisture content for the material to a depth of ¾”.
I have been using Wagner MMC220 and L609 for more than 3 years. They are really good stuffs.
1. Does Wagner provide moisture meter with hammer electrode (pin)?
2. I have Radiata Pine with 38mm (1.5″) thick.
A. Use Wagner MMC220. The number in shown in screen would be moisture at which depth of wood? Would it be 19mm (3/4″”) below surface?
B. Use hammer electrode. Penetrate the pin into wood at 19mm (3/4″). The reading on screen will show the moisture in which depth below wood surface?
3. How to use MMC220 for tropical timer specie (like Jelutung) which is not available in your wood specie list?
Many thanks for your help.
Regards, Anton
Wagner Meters does not manufacture any meter with pins. Please refer to the following link to an article from the Wagner website explaining how the pinless technology works:
The Wagner MMC220 has a scanning depth of ¾” and L609 scans to a depth of ½”. What this means is that the meter takes a reading the length and width of the sensor plate down to the depth appropriate to the meter and gives a moisture content reading of the average of the whole area. For a board with a thickness over the rated depth for the meter, it is recommended that readings are taken from both sides of the board.
If you are unable to find the specific gravity (SG) in the Species Settings manual, click here. Or you can contact a Wagner wood expert at 800-634-9961 during regular business hours (7:30-4:00 PST) to get an SG setting that is not in the manual.
Jelutung (Dyera costulata) has a specific gravity (SG) of 0.46
I recently have begun replacing my linoleum floor with hardwood, I noticed by my back wall there has been water coming in from an exterior wall and settling on the subfloor. I need to track where (in the wall) the water is originating from. Can you suggest a pinless meter for tracking moister behind 5/8″ – 3/4″ drywall?
John – the Wagner Meters BI2200 is often used to track down moisture issues in walls. Hopefully it will help you too!
requirements of pin type moisture meter rate and catalouge
Hi Vijay,
I am not entirely sure what information you are seeking. Can you provide clarification?
Would the pinless moisture meter be able to penetrate through stucco on houses? Typically stucco is 3/4″ to 1″ thick and contains lathe. I would be interested in figuring the moisture of the sheathing (typically plywood) behind the stucco/lathe AND then use a pin meter for specifics.
Hello Ramiro,
The BI2200 is designed to take relative readings for many products, including stucco, but there is a problem with your intended application. The problem with stucco is that it is normally troweled onto a wire mesh, and this mesh would most likely interfere with any readings you would be trying to get from the lathe underneath. The metal of the mesh will disrupt the electromagnetic signals of a Wagner moisture meter and the result would be inaccurate readings.
We’ve treated some roof timber with a preservative. Will this affect the readings of either type of meter?
It depends on the type of treatment you used. If the treatment has no metal content in it, such as copper, there should not be a significant change in your readings. If the preservative is metal-based, there may be a rise of 4% or more in your readings. The best way to check the effects would be to take some readings of a non-treated section of the roof timber, treat the timber and, after a sufficient drying period, recheck the same section for any change in the readings. This would give you a baseline and correction factor for the treated timbers.
Question – We are preparing to re-paint wood clapboard house and want to make sure that the underlying moisture of wood is appropriate before painting.
Pinless or 2-Pin Model: We would prefer a Pinless meter (fewer holes left in wood, more readings). Can we use a pinless wood moisture meter to assess readiness for paint, assuming that we are testing not raw wood, but wood that may have already been painted and scrapped, or primed?
Yes, a pinless can be used to measure the painted wood on your house as long as you know what the wood species is for the clapboards. Paint should not significantly affect the moisture readings of a pinless meter. The only obstacle could be if there are too many layers of built-up paint over the underlying wood or there is metal content in the paint, lead-based paint is an example of this.
If the wood has a surface coating can that affect the reading of the meter? For example painted wood or a lacquer coating. If yes then does that mean one should use a meter with pins?
Thanks for the question. No, neither of the coatings you suggested here would have any impact on the readings obtained by our meters unless the coating contained aluminum oxide or any other metallic. In this case, there would potentially be variances in readings.
I recently purchased a Masterdraft pinless moisture meter model 057-4572-0 from Canadian Tire. I bought it to measure the moisture content of my firewood. I am not certain if Big Leaf Maple (Vancouver Island) is considered softwood, hardwood, or soft hardwood. More importantly I am not certain if this moisture meter can measure the moisture in firewood. Perhaps it is only designed for kiln dried dimensional lumber. I have been told that Wagner makes, or is the dealer for Mastercraft moisture meters so I hope you can answer my questions for me. When I checked Wagner on the internet, your name came up and this is the e-mail I was given. Can you help me. I certainly would appreciate it.
Thanks kindly,
Dick McCarthy
Thanks for writing, Dick. Wagner Meters does not manufacture Mastercraft moisture meters nor do we offer any meters that are designed for use with firewood. I’m sorry for any confusion. I’d suggest returning to the store you purchased the meter from or contacting the manufacturer directly for assistance.