Due to inclement weather, we will not be shipping orders on Wednesday, February 5th.

Rapid RH® Resources

Everything you need to quickly get started with concrete moisture testing.

Easy Rapid RH Installation Steps

Helpful Resources

Get replacement sensors shipped to your door!

  Order Replacement Sensors

Have you downloaded the free app?

The DataMaster™ L6 app connects via Bluetooth® to the Rapid RH® Total Reader® for a completely wireless system of reading, recording, and reporting your concrete slab moisture test data. DataMaster L6 takes advantage of an unbroken stream of data to give you the highest level of data integrity.

DataMaster App Apple Store button DataMaster App Google Play button
Use the Datamaster to record and report
Use the Datamaster to record and report

Have you downloaded the free app?

The DataMaster™ L6 app connects via Bluetooth® to the Rapid RH® Total Reader® for a completely wireless system of reading, recording, and reporting your concrete slab moisture test data. DataMaster L6 takes advantage of an unbroken stream of data to give you the highest level of data integrity.

DataMaster App Apple Store button DataMaster App Google Play button
Use the Datamaster to record and report

Have you downloaded the free app?

The DataMaster™ L6 app connects via Bluetooth® to the Rapid RH® Total Reader® for a completely wireless system of reading, recording, and reporting your concrete slab moisture test data. DataMaster L6 takes advantage of an unbroken stream of data to give you the highest level of data integrity.

DataMaster App Apple Store button DataMaster App Google Play button
Concrete Moisture Testing Webinar

Register for our FREE Concrete Moisture Testing Webinar

Wagner Meters is proud to offer this must-see webinar for flooring industry professionals, building inspectors, and concrete construction contractors. This free training is presented by Jason Spangler, our very own flooring division manager. Get all of the knowledge and guidance you need to avoid and prevent moisture-related flooring failures with this comprehensive concrete drying and moisture testing webinar.

  Sign Up

Get Certified on RH Knowledge

Follow these simple steps:

1.   Watch these videos
2.   Pass the 20 question quiz
3.   Put your training to work!

  Register for Training Course
Concrete Moisture Testing Webinar

Three Commonly Asked Questions

Here at Wagner Meters, we want YOU to succeed. That is why we spend hundreds of hours creating video content covering some of our most asked questions, tips and suggestions.

How Fast Does Concrete Dry? The Million Dollar Question

Do you know how long it takes for concrete to dry? In the video, Jason explains the relationship between concrete curing and drying and the ambient conditions you need for concrete to properly dry.

5 Common Sources of Moisture in Old Concrete

Watch as Jason Spangler explains five common sources of moisture that could lead to very high relative humidity test results, even in an old slab.

How to Find How Thick Your Concrete Slab Is

Watch as Jason Spangler walks you through some ways of obtaining the slab's thickness for both new and old construction.

Concrete Moisture Testing Webinar

Be Ready for Your Next Job

Choose from 25, 50, or 100 Smart Sensors in our special Value Pack offer to replenish your supply of Rapid RH Smart Sensors, extensions, protective caps, and more.

  Order Replacement Sensors

Only need 5 sensors? We got you covered.