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Wagner Wood Moisture Meter Studies and Peer Reviews

Accuracy of a Capacitance-type and Three Resistance-type Pin Meters for Measuring Wood Moisture Content

Philip J. Wilson, Forest Products Journal

The moisture content of 441 wood samples from 30 batches and 14 species estimated using the Wagner L612 meter and 3 resistance-type pin meters, and compared to oven-dry moisture content. The L612 was the most accurate. The pin meters, whose data were corrected accurately for wood temperature, gave similar results to each other. The results were largely unperturbed by the choice of user setting for species/wood density. The basic variability of meter readings was similar for the two meter types but the pin meters had a stronger tendency to over or underestimate moisture content depending on the batch. In contrast to the pin meters, the L612 was nondestructive, and quick and easy to use. [Read complete article…]

Assessment of the Accuracy of the Electronic Resistance and the Wagner Hand Held Meter to Estimate the Moisture Content of Wood

Prepared by: Mr. K. W. Maun, Centre for Timber Technology and Construction

The assessments in this report verified the existing calibration previously used for the hand held Wagner moisture meter and indicated that it had a very good correlation to oven-dry moisture content readings. The assessments were carried out on 13 batches of Sitka spruce consisting of between 15 and 20 battens. The results of this study indicated that the Wagner meter can be used to provide measurements of moisture contents which are required for structural standards when used on timber stored and graded under cover. [Read complete article…]

Comparative testing of Wagner L612, electrical resistance meters, and the oven-dry determination of wood moisture content on Norway spruce and Scots pine

Martin Kemmsies, Building Technology

“A test sequence was carried out to compare the accuracy of the hand-held wood moisture meters based on the principle of electrical resistance (on-site mill readings and a calibrated meter), and Wagner’s L612 capacitance moisture meter (mill readings). Results were compared to those provided by the oven-dry test method, which served as a benchmark value for the comparisons…On average the Wagner L612 Electronic Wave meter performed better than resistance meters under normal operating mill conditions…the Wagner L612 meter was easy to handle, and in this study was capable of taking approximately four measurements within the same time that one measurement could be registered in a resistance meter. Unlike resistance meters, the Wagner L612 meter required no air or wood temperature adjustment, nor did board thickness…have to be taken into consideration. This made the Wagner L612 meter practical to use in operational conditions, with less likelihood of operator induced bias.” [Read complete article…]

Study by the University of Florence and CNR/IRL to determine the accuracy of Wagner Moisture Meters as compared to the traditional Pin Meters when used in Industrial Conditions

Leonardo Maestripieri, University of Florence

“During the course of the work, the greater ease and speed of use of Wagner Devices could be noted, and their accuracy exceeded that of the Resistance Meters.” [Read complete article…]