Rapid RH and Carbide Bomb: The Pros & Cons of Each

Rapid RH and Carbide Bomb: The Pros & Cons of Each

Moisture testing is crucial in ensuring the longevity and durability of flooring installations. Two common methods are the Rapid RH test and the Carbide Bomb test. Here’s a detailed look at the pros and cons of each to help you choose the best method for your project.

Accurate quantitative readings (total moisture content as percentage by wet weight)Requires specialist calibration for scales and the gauge
Fast for "one off" readingsVery slow for profiling with only consecutive test results - one after the other.
Offers good credibility on siteHarmful/explosive gas emissions
Subject to widespread misuse
The sample is destroyed in the process
Interpretation of test results requires training and experience
Destructive, especially for profiling
Requires separate samples for hygroscopic %mc to be determined
Many reading uses lots of reagent which is expensive, harmful and wasteful.


Pros & Cons of the Rapid RH

Low initial investmentDestructive Test
Low cost per testDetermining consistent thickness of slab can be difficult
Ease of use
Ability to quickly retest in concrete that has high RH% levels
"Profiling" a floor slab possible and easy
Wide spread acceptance in flooring industry
Useful measurement even in "non service" conditions
Ability to get very quick initial, meaningful readings

Learn More About Rapid RH

Last updated on May 15th, 2024